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Product description
The Roland Fantom-6
Is a very special synthesizer. Just what you would expect when Roland releases a new synth. With the new Fantom synthesizers you can do almost everything you can with a computer, but with a familiar interface, portable keyboard and hands-on operation.
Extraordinary engine
The synth engine of the Fantom-6 is full of samples, including new ones from Roland, but you can also create or modify extensive sounds yourself via the large touchscreen. The engine consists of many layers, the base, or partial, is a complete synthesizer with oscillator, amplitude control, filter, two LFOs, numerous effects and incredible connectors for once synthesizer
Each tone can consist of four partials and a scene consists of up to sixteen tones. All sixteen parts have their own effects and the Fantom can be set up so that its own processor power is the limit, not the limitations of hardware. You also have gigabytes of sampling possibilities.
Powerhouse of possibilities
Furthermore, this powerhouse offers a built-in audio interface, keyboard with channel aftertouch, integration with Logic Pro GarageBand and MainStage. There is also a large velocity range that you experience perfectly with the built-in V-pianos. With the arpeggiator and sequencer you quickly produce music if you combine this with the drum pads then you even have a clip-based composition.
TR-style sequencing
TR-style sequencing is also possible with a real analog filter that you can freely assign to a sound. But remarkably, you can also send the entire synth through the same filter.
You hear it, with these synths almost anything is possible. So we highly recommend it, especially if you want to have all the possibilities in-the-box but also want to be able to work without a computer
- Roland Fantom-6
- Extensive workstation
- New designed keyboard with 61 keys
- Channel-aftertouch
- High resolution touch sensitivity
- Uncompromising sound quality and possibilities, samples + V-Piano
- Sampling possible
- Own effects per part
- High resolution controllers
- Drum pads with clip-based production
- TR-style sequencing
- Tight integration with Logic Pro, GarageBand and MainStage
- Robust build quality
- Dimensions: 1084 x 403 x 106 mm
- Weight: 15.3 Kg
New features after Firmware update 2.00:
- Keyboard sample / multisample functions
- Microscope edit function
- Automation function via the Piano Roll Edit
- Marker function in scene chain
- Swap function in scene chain
- Added TFX (Total Effects) to main bus
- Added input MFX to Audio-In
- Added Zone Out Assign screen menu
- Added wallpaper function
- Added screen function for LIST menu to Scene Chain
- Added copy, swap & init functions for SET to Scene Chain
- Zoom Edit selectable for MFX, IFX and TFX
- Zoom Edit selectable for Drum Kit Edit
- Five new Type Assign parameters added on the S1 through S3 buttons
- Advanced function added to Zone Int/EXT Control
- Transpose functions added for each Zone.
- KBD Sample now also selectable from Factory Reset, Backup and Restore.
- Bug fix: in SCENE CHAIN, information was not displayed correctly when a SCENE was removed from a SET