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Roland JD-08 (B-stock)

Boutique Synthesizer

Virtual analogue


Modern version of the legendary JD-800

64 original presets

21 new presets

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5 years warranty

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1000m2 music store

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More Information

Brand Roland
Color Zwart
Sequencer Arpeggiator
Connectivity Midi In (Din)
Sound Source Virtueel Analoog
Article number 70418
Size (packaging) 36 x 18 x 8 cm
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Product description

The Roland JD-08 Boutique is a compact edition of the Roland JD-800 synthesizer, a favorite among producers in the 1990s. The legendary JD-800 has been loved for its smooth, complex sounds and hands-on control since the early 90s. The JD-08 builds on this legend, but turns it into a modern, portable instrument.

This means you can work with a retro workflow, and the tasty, distinctive sounds and effects of the '90s. Thanks to the innovations added to this model, you can also use this synth today to make more modern beats if you want.

What makes this synth so special? Several things! The classic JD-800 waveforms with advanced modeling techniques, a unique old-school hands-on sound design, an incredibly wide polyphony, and an updated two-part polyphonic sequencer

Get creative with great '90s sounds while enjoying all the modern innovations. The JD-08 is a digital classic that does not disappoint its predecessor. A stunningly authentic recreation of one of the most legendary synths ever.

  • 108 original waveforms for extensive patch design possibilities
  • Contains the original 64 presets plus 21 new presets
  • Two-part, 64-step polyphonic sequencer with motion recording, random pattern generator and memory for 128 patterns
  • Onboard arpeggiator
  • Two-part multitimbral with extended polyphony
  • Four-piece structure for tone layering
  • Detailed recreation of the JD-800's unique two-stage multi-effects section
  • Editable distortion, phaser, spectrum, enhancer, delay, chorus and reverb
  • Multi-stage time-varying envelopes for complex, evolving sounds
  • Palette sliders for quick parameter adjustment
  • USB-C audio/MIDI interface, full-size MIDI I/O, and external clock input
  • Portable design for mobile music making
  • High-quality construction with metal front panel
  • Powered by batteries (4 x AA) or USB-C
  • Control information can be sent and received via MIDI and USB-C
  • Built-in active mini speaker for instant listening pleasure
  • Compatible with optional DK-01 Boutique Dock or K-25m Keyboard Unit
  • Virtual analog
  • Dimensions: 30 x 12.8 x 4.7 cm
  • Weight: 895 grams

De fascinerende wereld van Synthesizers

Synthesizers zijn al decennialang een essentieel instrument in de wereld van elektronische muziek. Ze hebben een uniek geluid en bieden eindeloze mogelijkheden voor geluidscreatie. In deze blog duiken we dieper in de verschillende soorten synthesizers, hoe ze werken en hun interessante geschiedenis.

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